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About Aloha Magazine
Created and designed by Naomi Stafford
Aloha Magazine is an informative online magazine for your guide
to the islands of Hawaii. The site is meant to be an enjoyable and
fun site for you to browse through at your leisure; whether you
are a tourist visiting the islands, are a local resident here, or
are someone interested in Hawaii.
Unlike tourist sites that give you specific information on tourist
attractions, the purpose of listing them here is for you to have
an idea of where to go and what kind of things there are for you
to do. It is to give you an overall look and feel of the islands
and to help that, there are short articles on the profiles, history,
and culture of the Hawaiian Islands.
It is the hope of Aloha Magazine is that when you leave the site,
you will take the aloha that you felt here and share it with the
people around you.
Aloha nui loa and Mahalo for visiting Aloha Magazine!
Thank you for visiting Aloha Magazine! With fondest regards!